Chernobyl Diaries script

29 05 2012

Chernobyl Diaries is a decent movie script, though there are some obvious flaws with its execution. Here we have an excellent location with exploring the actual site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. We expected the screenwriter to take a paranormal route rather than get into conspiracy theories.  Did you enjoy Chernobyl Diaries?

The Chernobyl Diaries movie opens up with three young American travelers. We anticipated watching media reports covering the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster to establish a connection. The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster is a significant event that crippled the Russian economy. As we follow three young American traveingl through Europe to Russia, we realize this execution is an ineffective way to build value into the main plot (Chernobyl). Chernobyl Diaries is a movie that conveys the effects of the nuclear disaster (Pripyat residents left behind). Hence, movie viewers want to see images instead of hearing Uri briefly discuss the 1986 nuclear meltdown.

The screenwriter squandered on character development. Movie viewers failed to establish an emotional connection with characters to feel a sense of loss when they died. We won’t get into the spoilers to avoid ruining your movie experience. The suspense and thrills were present throughout the movie. When compared to The Walking Dead AMC show. Chernobyl Diaries character deaths are tame.

The most effective screenwriting techniques are to open with Chernobyl media covering the original nuclear disaster. If for some reason the media rights to the footage is too expensive to obtain, then open up with newspaper clippings showing an eerie recreation of a nuclear power plant such as in The Mothman Prophecies. In the metaphysical movie The Mothman Prophecies, you expect a nuclear meltdown will cripple the town. But on the contrary, there is a twist ending to project the movie into another direction – a different tragedy.

Chernobyl Diaries is a good script. It is far better than the Cabin in the Woods satire that people are defending. Who care about the lame Cabin in the Woods movie. For every one person who enjoyed the movie, you have another eight viewers who despised it. Chernobyl Diaries is worth watching. Movie critics are bashing this movie instead of conveying the truth of the Cabin in the Woods mess.

Check out Chernobyl Diaries to form your own perception. Keep a lookout for the twist ending. There is a twist ending in the final act, which we’re sure many web users will suggest otherwise as predictable to flex their so-called movie knowledge. The screenwriter eludes the inciting incident.

If we were providing script coverage, what would make the first 10 pages good page turners? The rule of thumb is that every page should lead a reader to the next page. Thus this creates interest in the setup. Chernobyl is a passive location until the group travels there, and then gets stranded.  We can’t think back to the setup to identify the turning point. Maybe the distributor wires getting cut represent the turning point. The group get stranded in Pripyat, Russia, a city located 3km from Reactor #4.

Long-term exposure to radiation there can potentially lead to health complications. The group were not prepared to stay overnight in Pripyat. In the Chernobyl Diaries script, the screenwriter overemphasized the radiation levels in Pripyat. Uri claims it is safe since they are only visiting for a few hours. However, the group get stranded a few nights. Radiation levels seemed medium to high around the junkyard.

As for the inciting incident, is Paul telling the group about his Chernobyl tour gift enough to set the tone? The Blair Witch Project started with personal interviews of the Blair Witch legend. The Sixth Sense opens up with a bang. We feel the Chernobyl Diaries movie has several flaws. We don’t regret paying to watch this movie. You never expect the twist ending, although the major plot points hint to the falling action.

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