10 tips to write good loglines

15 05 2012

Finish writing your screenplay? Ready to write the logline? This is your moment to shine. An effective logline is a one sentence summary that describes your script premise. Devising good loglines entice script readers and producers to notice your screenplay as well as simplify the pitch process. How do you write a good logline?

  1. Make a list of catchy words that describe your movie.
  2. Designate a descriptive adjective and or noun that explains the premise (i.e. fear, revenge, betrayal, and etc).
  3. Review page turning content to see what advances the first 10 pages of your script.
  4. Write a logline as you would a movie tagline.
  5. Read script loglines of the most popular movies.
  6. Write a  logline like a flowery treatment
  7. Include as many characters who are the central focus of the plot.
  8. Practice writing loglines of horror movies.
  9. Rewrite past movie loglines.
  10. Write a logline to explain all the top movie genres.

Have fun promoting your screenplay with good loglines. The logline will capture attention to your screenplay. Therefore, you must write the best logline in a query letter to build interest from movie studios. Learn how to market your script in 30 seconds or less with a logline. Good luck on your movie logline.